I'm John. I am a creative and passionate GIS developer with a strong background in geospatial analysis and GIS development. I have experience working with various GIS software and programming languages, allowing me to develop innovative solutions for spatial data management, analysis, and visualization. My expertise includes geospatial analysis, spatial modeling, and web mapping applications.

Who am I?


Masters in Geographic Information System

Pennsylvania State Unversity - May 2024

Masters of Art in Geography

University of North Carolina Greensboro - May 2019

Bachelor of Science in Geography

Concord University - May 2019

Full-Stack Geospatial Applications
person working on blue and white paper on board
person working on blue and white paper on board

Recent Work

Designed and developed a full-stack geospatial application that displays satellite imagery and utilizes PyTorch Fast-CNN to detect electrical grid objects on the ground. The front-end is written in the React-leaflet framework. The satellite imagery is stored in an AWS S3 instance and are indexed in PostGreSQL database. The back-end utilizes Python to grab the data and display the imagery in the UI, then runs the model on a user-selected area of interested, click the link and give the application a try.

photo of outer space
photo of outer space
Front-End Geospatial Web Applications

Developed a web application displaying public school attendance zones in Guilford County North Carolina. The application utilizes GeoJSON drawn client-side in the React-Leaflet framework. Click the link and switch the layer selector to the desired school type, then search an address to see which school attendance zone the address is located within.

Python Projects

Link to Github portfolio containing repositories for GIS Automation Scripts.

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
white and black laptop
white and black laptop
assorted-color abstract painting
assorted-color abstract painting
person holding light bulb
person holding light bulb
Scattered sheets of white paper covering the entire frame
Scattered sheets of white paper covering the entire frame



